Custody problems may arise during separation or divorce, or due to a change in circumstances. The custodial details of a child's well-being must be carefully discussed and a solution that is in the best interest of the child(ren) must be determined. Custody proceedings can either be amicable or contested.

Amicable -  An amicable custody agreement is when both parents can agree on custody of the child(ren). After an agreement is made, an attorney will draft the custody agreement and include details such as school district, extracurricular activities, health care, and a parenting time schedule. 

Contested - Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for one party to use a child as a pawn to gain leverage during a separation. During this trying time, it is important to understand how the child custody process works and the Guardian Ad Litem’s or Friend of Court's key role in establishing custodial rights. They conduct an investigation to determine the best interest of the child(ren). This can be an extremely scary and stressful time, so it is imperative that you understand the process and exactly how it will be handled.


Child support is determined by a complex formula, and there are several factors that weigh into calculating the amount of child support that is to be awarded. Although the child support calculation is complex and strict, with the assistance of counsel, you may be able to negotiate and make an agreement. Child support amounts may change over time if there is a change in income, so it is important to meet with an attorney if you suspect there has been a change in income that may impact your child support. Furthermore, an experienced attorney can be used to ensure you are properly represented and get the best possible outcome for your individual case.